Glove Care


As a Goalkeeper, your gloves are your closest ally, most important accessory, and the difference between winning and losing! Follow these tips to get the best out of your gloves!



  • Remove any film carefully from the latex palm
  • Thoroughly wash your gloves with luke warm water to remove any impurities from the latex - chemicals are used to preserve the natural latex in storage and removing this will activate the adhesive properties of your palm
  • Additional washes may be needed to obtain maximum grip
  • Prior to first use, dampen the palm to activate the latex



  • Wash gloves in warm water and rinse thoroughly
  • Unscented soap may be needed to rid gloves of stubborn dirt
  • Allow gloves to dry naturally and away from direct sunlight
  • Do not dry close to any heat source (radiator, fire, tumble dryer, etc) as this can damage the latex
  • Do not store gloves until completely dry



  • Ensure your gloves are the correct size - gloves which are too tight result in additional stress on the stitching - gloves which are too big can cause quicker wear of the latex at the end of fingers
  • Where possible avoid contact between your palm and playing service - this will extend the life of your gloves
  • Keep gloves at room temperature 
  • Do not store gloves with palms touching - your latex can be very tacky and prolonged contact can result in peeling on separation
  • Wash gloves immediately after use - do not allow dirt to dry into the latex

Remember - If you look after your gloves, your gloves will look after you!